In the first class of this week, Aj. Adcharawan teaches us about "What are really in wommen's bags?". we talk about this topi for 1 hour after that we ahve group work to do. It's discussing that topic each other in our group and find out the answer of the topic too. We enjoy so much when we do group work in class. I n each group there're a lot of brands in the women's bag that we use in lifetime. So we have to present to other people in class that what we have in our bags.This activity is very fun for us, because we get chance to find out new brand and new product from other people in class when they present in front of the stage.
Everybody in class is interested to presentations. This activity can help us to practice speaking skill as well. Aj. Adcharawan gives a chance for us to make understanding about this course so much and she is a kind person who understands students so much. On saturday, I have to go to computer lab, because Aj. Adcharawan wants us to know How to do blog. But i never ever know about blog, I never ever do it before and I'm not interested with it as well. So I think it's very difficult to make understanding about it. But I'm wrong, because it's very easy. It's very fun and very interesting. It seems like Hi5 or facebook.
I'm very enjoying to do it. The expert is very nice and kind person and friendly as well. She has a nice smile. She gives good informations to do blog. she explain in each step is so clearly. And Aj. Adcharawan is a very nice tea teacher as well. She teaches us with happiness, so all students like to study with her.
I like your brand,sis
ตอบลบYour head blog are fantastic :))
Thanks alot sis :)